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technology advantages and disadvantages ...

There are many advantages and disadvantages of technology, in fact technology has greatly influenced every part of life in the modern world which is almost immeasurable.

Now days, we can automatically notice how much we are using phones and we almost can't live without a tv or without scrolling in tiktok videos, I am not saying that machines and laptops or even phone are not useful for our daily life but we should also be aware of the disadvantages that it can cause to our mental and physical health especially for children.

So in this article we're going to see the disadvantages and goods of this technology that some are for it and the others are against it .


Advancements in technology allow people to be more connected than ever, but this may come at a price. Overuse of social media and mobile devices have been linked to eyestrain, difficulty focusing on other tasks, and depression.rtising of new technologies are presented in such a way that they are valuable and necessary. At the same time, technology has a downside impact on people as we progress, not only on our lifespan has become short but also they carry risks on our overall health with the addition of technology.

  • The most popular thing that the new technology can cause to people is MONEY like they can easly use their money in the new iphone 14 pro max or the latest version of samsung tv without even noticing how much it will cost them .
  • Second, the new technology can increase risks of job cuts because of the feature of buying stuff online like everyone can just stay home the whole day and buying everything from the internet and that will make people who have a small business in their town suffer to get his daily cash. And that also can make theim sick because the human's body always needs some movement to keep their blood warm and to be healthy.
  • Third, we all know how much the technology can increase anxiety, deppresion and even mental health issues including use of social media, lack of sunlight and time outdoors and reduced connection with others in the real world. Also we can  notice the negative impact on students , as we can see technology can be a blessing or a curse depending on its usage ,studies have shown that gadgets like smartphones and computers distract children and teens from moral and educational values .
  • Finally, the most dangerous thing is the addiction. As a society of the 21st century, people have begun to rely more on Internet technology in their everyday life. It has made humans dependent on digital computers and gadgets such as smartphones, laptops, video games, computers, etc., leading to addiction; all this makes us lazy day by day. Including children who are addicted to playing games on smartphones and computers. They stopped roaming and playing outside. At a very young age, they develop various diseases such as obesity, depression, sleep disturbances, blood pressure, lack of physical activity, strain on the eyes, etc. Also, fewer communication skills between people.

Technology advantages:

Technology has grown so much that it has become a part of our life. From how we communicate, to our work, to our lifestyle, technology is constantly changing and advancing. It has become so much a part of our life that we have to keep up with it in order to stay relevant. If you are looking for ways in which technology can benefit you, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we are going to explore in detail what the benefits of technology are.

  • First, technology made it easy for us to talk to our friends and our family who are living away from us by just a click and this feature is so good for people who are studying in another country or people who are obligated to travel in the reason of their work.
  • Second, technology has also made it easy for students to study online especially in the period of covid19 also for people who can't work in their offices ....
  • Third, Technology allows us to create resources for people who need specific areas of assistance. It took a long time for Helen Keller to become the first person who is blind and deaf to earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. She proved to us that people are more resilient than we often give them credit for if we classify ourselves as being “normal.”
  • And last but not least, Have you ever played a mobile game on your smartphone? Do you have an Xbox or a PlayStation console at home? Then you have first-hand experience with this benefit. When we can have fun, then our brains can retain more of the information that we learn each day. That’s why our knowledge base continues to rise rapidly when compared to previous generations.

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